About the LAEF
The Labour Adjustment and Education Fund (LAEF) was negotiated by your union through the Community Social Service Bargaining Association to support community-based social services workers like you. The purpose of the LAEF is to enhance the skills of frontline workers and support continued employment in the sector for workers impacted by layoffs, downsizing, or restructuring.
Who can apply for LAEF funding?
Individual workers or groups of workers who are union members covered by any of the community social services sector collective agreements:
- Community Living Services
- General Services
- Indigenous Services
One or more unions, groups of workers or one or more employers may submit a group application. The appropriate joint labour management committee and union(s) must endorse employer recommended applications.
What types of education and training can the LAEF support?
The LAEF can support:
- Skills upgrading and professional development for career advancement in community-based social services
- English as an additional language skills
- Upgrading and assessment of a diploma or certificate from another country
- Transitioning to a new job in the sector
Education must be relevant to continuing work in the community social services sector. Training through BC public education providers is strongly encouraged. Training required by legislation or a collective agreement is not eligible for funding.
How much LAEF funding is available?
Individual applicants are eligible for up to $3,000 of funding. However, an individual applicant impacted by lay-offs, downsizing or restructuring is eligible for up to $5,000 of funding. Group applications are eligible for up to $10,000 of funding. Group applications for workers impacted by layoffs, downsizing or restructuring are eligible for a maximum of $15,000.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Education and training must be for bargaining unit members covered by the 2022 to 2025 Community Living, General Services or Indigenous Services collective agreements.
2. The fund is designed to cover education/training commenced between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
3. Individual or group applications for funding can be made by CSSEA, Employers, or members of the unions of CSSBA. The same eligibility criteria will apply to all applications. Where group applications are submitted, the application may include “in-kind” support (e.g. venue, meals) to assist in lowering the cost to the Fund through economies of scale.
4. Applications related to the education and training of employees impacted by layoffs, downsizing, or restructuring are a priority.
5. Education and training must be relevant to continuing work in the community social services sector. Eligible education may include:
- Workshops, seminars, conferences, courses, or degree/certificate programs; and/or
- Instruction that requires in-person attendance, distance learning, or clinical placement; and/or
- Short duration offerings, such as a single day course, or a lengthier pursuit of credentials, such as a diploma, advanced certification, or a degree.
6. Education costs that are eligible for reimbursement include tuition fees, registration fees, and the cost of books/materials. Other education/training-related expenses may be considered, at the discretion of the committee and Fund Administrator.
7. Previous recipients of LAEF funds are eligible to receive reimbursement up to the new funding maximum regardless of previous amounts reimbursed.
8. Training required by legislation or a collective agreement is not eligible for funding.
9. Training through B.C. public education providers is strongly encouraged.
10. The steering committee may make exemptions to any of these criteria in unique circumstances, including maximum funding amounts.